
课程 for the Medical Biotechnology, BS Program

Full-time Program of Study

Our bachelor of science degree program in medical biotechnology takes two years (five semesters) and begins in the fall. 

Prerequisite: 60 semester hours in selected subjects

For individual course descriptions, please visit the 学术目录


The junior year of the program provides a strong foundation in medically-related science courses such as molecular biology, 微生物学, 免疫学, 生物化学, 和遗传学.

秋季学期 学分
CHEM 355 Biochemistry  4
MEDT 308 Seminar in Medical Biotechnology 1
MEDT 350 Human Genetics 3
MEDT 351血液学 4
PATH 360病理学 3
总计。 15
春季学期 学分
MEDT 303免疫学 3.5
ENGL 325 Professional And Technical Writing 3
CBHX 315 Health Care Ethics 2
379细胞 & 分子生物学 3
MEDT 360化学  5
总计。 16.5
夏季学期 学分
MEDT 422 Medical Microbiology 6
总计。 6


大四的时候, medical biotechnology students spend time in internships, in which they gain research experience under the supervision of a faculty research mentor in an academic or industrial laboratory. Internships may take place in research laboratories at SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University or at one of our affiliate institutions (see 学生实习 tab).

秋季学期 学分
MEDT 439 Applied Techniques in Medical Biotechnology 2
MEDT 445 Statistics in Laboratory Medicine 1.5
MEDT 454 Introduction to Molecular Methods 2
MEDT 522 Advanced Microbiology and Immunology 1
BIOL 451 研究 Methods I 1
MEDT 460 Biotechnology Internship I 8
总计。 15.5
春季学期 学分
MEDT 419 研究 Problem 3
BIO 414 Introduction to Molecular Bioinformatics 2
MEDT 455 Laboratory Operations 2
MEDT 444 原则 of 分子生物学 1
MEDT 461 Biotechnology Internship II 9
总计。 17

总计。 SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University Program Credits: 70